
SKA Observatory celebrates start of telescope
construction in Australia and South Africa

In ceremonies at both sites in Australia and South Africa, the SKA Observatory celebrated the start of construction of its world-leading radio telescopes and announced €300 million worth of construction contracts. The SKAO’s Director-General, Prof. Philip Diamond, travelled to Western Australia to represent the Observatory at the site of the […]

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An immersion in galaxies of data to explore the cosmos

The new exhibition produced by EPFL Pavilions transforms the scientific inquiry of astrophysics into sensory and emotional experiences. Until February 5, 2023, the public will have the opportunity to plunge into the immensity of the Universe and its history, transcending the frontiers of art and science. Since the dawn of […]

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Radio astronomy to foster Swiss research and industry

By becoming a member of the SKA Observatory (SKAO), the largest and most ambitious radio astronomy collaboration in the world, Switzerland intends to foster Swiss research and industry while contributing to an international initiative that promises to revolutionize our understanding of the Universe. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope arrays […]

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