
The Board

Carolyn Marie Crichton
Consortium Director, Chair of the Board - EPFL
Alexandre Refregier
Professor of Astrophysics - ETH Zurich
André Csillaghy
Professor of Computer Science, Head of Institute for Data Science — FHNW
Daniel Schaerer
Professor in Astrophysics, Department of Astronomy - UniGe
Elena Gavagnin
Senior Project Lead and Lecturer for Data Science - ZHAW
Evelina Breschi
International/Space Funds Unit Head - HES-SO
Florina Ciorba
Associate Professor for High Performance Computing, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - UniBas
Jean-Paul Kneib
Director of LASTRO & Director of eSpace, Swiss Scientific Delegate to the SKAO Council - EPFL
Lucio Mayer
Full Professor of Computational Astrophysics, Director Institute of Computational Science - UZH
Mark Sargent
ISSI Science Program Manager, ISSI Bern
Pablo Fernandez
Service and Business Manager, Partnership Development - CSCS
Stefan Kögl
Consortium Manager, Board Co-chair - KOEGL Space GmbHScientists and Researchers

Alberto Dassatti
Full Professor, Director of REDS Institute - HES-SO
Andrej Obuljen
Theoretical Cosmologist - UZH
Arpan Das
Data Scientist - EPFL
Aurel Schneider
Professor at the Center for Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology - UZH
Bertil Chapuis
Software Engineer and Researcher - HEIG-VD
Carlos Pena
Full Professor of Computer Engineering - HEIG-VD
Cédric Huwyler
Research Associate at the Institute for Data Science - FHNW
Christopher Finlay
Research Assistant - UniGe
Darren Reed
Computational Research Scientist - UZH
Devon Crichton
Cosmologist - ETHZ
Dominique Bovey
Chair of SKACH Instrumentation Program - HEIG-VD
Douglas Potter
HPC Specialist - UZH
Emma Tolley
Group Leader and Data Scientist - EPFL
Éric Taillard
Professor of Engineering - HEIG-VD
Etienne Lyard
Software Engineering - UniGe
Etienne Orliac
HPC Application Expert - EPFL
Filip Schramka
Research Fellow, Digital Twin Team - FHNW
Floor van Donkelaar
PhD Student in Astrophysics - UZH
Florian Cabot
Scientific Assistant - EPFL
Frank-Peter Schilling
Associate Professor and Group Leader - ZHAW
Frédéric Courbin
Adjunct Professor - EPFL
Gilles Fourestey
Operational Director - EPFL
Hamsa Padmanabhan
Scientific Collaborator and Communications Co-Chair - Unige
Hanna Sathiapal
Space Sciences Education and Public Engagement - FHNW
Jennifer Studer
Data Scientist - ETHZ
Jindra Gensior
Postdoctoral Researcher - UZH
Joachim Stadel
Astrophysicist - UZH
Joan Rué Queralt
Doctoral Student in Imaging - EPFL
Jürgen Ehrensberger
Professor and Director of IICT Institute - HEIG-VD
Karin Weinmann
Media Relations - FHNW
Lukas Gehrig
Research Assistant - FHNW
Lukas Schmidt
Student Software Developer - UniBas
Manuel Stutz
Research Assistant - FHNW
Marc Audard
Senior Scientist - UniGe
Marcel Graf
Professor of Computer Science - HEIG-VD
Marco Willi
Research Associate - FHNW
Marina Battaglia
Physics Lecturer - FHNW
Marta Spinelli
Physics Professor - ETHZ
Martin Kunz
Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics - UniGe
Martin Melchior
Deputy Head of the Institute for Data Science - FHNW
Matthieu Simeoni
Principal Scientist & Lecturer, Head of the EPFL Hub for Advanced Image Reconstruction - EPFL
Mauro Bernardini
Data Scientist - UZH
Michael Böhlen
Professor and Head of Database Technology Group - UZH
Michaela Hirschmann
Head of Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution and Spectral Modelling - EPFL
Michele Bianco
Postdoctoral Researcher - EPFL
Milena Ramirez
Assistant of the Cosmology Research Group - ETHZ
Miroslava Dessauges
Scientific Collaborator, Coordinator of Millimeter Projects - UniGe
Mohammad Khalvati
Scientific Collaborator - HEIG-VD
Noah Kubli
Theoretical Astrophysicist - UZH
Olga Taran
Postdoctoral Researcher, Stochastic Information Processing (SIP) group - UniGe
Omkar Bait
Postdoctoral Researcher - UniGe
Osman Seckin Simsek
Postdoctoral Researcher - UniBas
Pablo Llopis Sanmillán
HPC & Systems specialist - EPFL
Pascal Jan Hitz
PhD Student, Cosmology - ETHZ
Pascale Berner
PhD Student, Cosmology - ETHZ
Pascale Jablonka
Professor, Laboratory of Astrophysics -EPFL
Pedro R. Capelo
Theoretical Astrophysicist - UZH
Philipp Benedikt Denzel
Machine Learning Engineer - ZHAW
Pierre-Andre Mudry
Head of Computer Science and Communication Systems Course - HES-SO
Robert Feldmann
SNSF Professor - UZH
Rohit Sharma
Research Associate - FHNW
Ruben Cabezon
Senior Researcher & HPC specialist at sciCORE - UniBas
Sebastian Franz Keller
Professor - CSCS
Shreyam Krishna
Doctoral Assistant - EPFL
Simon Felix
Senior Research Fellow, Digital Twin Team Lead, SKACH Data Science Program Co-Chair - FHNW
Slava Voloshynovskiy
Head of the Stochastic Information Processing Group - UniGe
Stefan Hackstein
Research Associate - FHNW
Stefano Corda
HPC Application Expert - FHNW
Stephan Robert
Engineering Professor - HEIG-VD
Tianyue Chen
Postdoctoral Researcher - EPFL
Timothée Schaefer
Theoretical Cosmologist - UZH
Victor Holanda
Software Engineer - CSCS
Yann Dolivo
Research and Development Manager - HEIG-VD
Yves Revaz
Senior Scientist - EPFL


Joanna Jermini-Howard
SKACH Head of Secretariat - EPFL
Alex Widerski
Graphic Designer - EPFL