Cosmology in the Alps - March 18-22, 2024, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

The conference focused on radio cosmology studying the universe on large scales. It brought together experts in the field and early career researchers to:

●Foster developments in radio Cosmology

●Highlight young researchers in Cosmology from across the globe

●Highlight Swiss contributions to the global Cosmology landscape

MeerKAT@5, February 20-23, 2024, Stellenbosch, South Africa

2024 is 5 years of MeerKAT science. An in-person conference celebrating its achievements in the scientific, engineering, and human capacity development domains was organized to mark this event.

SKACH Winter Meeting 22-23 January 2024

The SKACH Winter Meeting took place at the HE-Arc Neuchâtel from 22-23 January 2024.

ALMA at 10 years: Past, Present and Future - December 4-8, 2023, Puerto Varas, Chile

To commemorate its first decade of science operations, the ALMA partnership organized a conference in Puerto Varas, Chile on 4-8 December 2023 that looked back at the Observatory's accomplishments, highlighted its latest results, and looked forward to future technical developments.

Swiss SKA Days - September 6-8, 2023, University of Zurich.
The 7th Swiss SKA Days will center around discussions of the ambitious SKA radio-astronomy project at the forefront of advanced technology and computing, focusing on the Swiss interest and participation in this ambitious project. It will take place at the University of Zurich.

Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference - June 26-28, 2023, Davos.
The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, novel techniques and usage of high performance computing.

January 12-13, 2023, SKACH Winter Consortium Meeting, University of Basel

This internal, biannual meeting brought SKACH partners together from across Switzerland to Basel to share consortium-wide updates, and updates from the five SKACH programs: Comms and Outreach, Instrumentation, Computing Platforms and Infrastructure, Data Science, and Science.

October 3-4, 2022: Swiss SKA Days, Lugano

The 6th Swiss SKA Days centered around discussions of the ambitious SKA radio-astronomy project at the forefront of advanced technology and computing, focusing on the Swiss interest and participation in this ambitious project. It took place at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano at the invitation of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS).

May 25, 2022: SKACH at WEF in Davos

At the House of Switzerland in Davos, key players involved in getting Switzerland on board of the SKAO came together to discuss Switzerland’s participation in the Observatory, and what it means for Switzerland and for SKAO. The event was broadcast remotely.

May 25, 2022: SKACH at the Urania Observatory in Zurich

May 24, 2022: SKACH Spring Consortium Meeting, ETH Zurich

This event brought SKACH partners together to Zurich from across the country to share consortium-wide updates, and updates from the five SKACH programs: Comms and Outreach, Instrumentation, Computing Platforms and Infrastructure, Data Science, and Science.