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Radio Cosmos - Episode 3

Our new podcast series, Radio Cosmos, has begun. The first series is in French, and Episode 3 deals with the theme of “Supermassive black holes”.

L'épisode 3 est désormais disponible !

Que sont exactement les trous noirs supermassifs et pourquoi sont-ils importants ? Mark et Alexandra discutent de ces objets extraordinaires qui peuvent être un million à un milliard de fois plus massifs que notre soleil, et en particulier de celui qui se trouve au centre de notre propre galaxie.  Nous entendons des experts, le professeur Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais de l'Université Laval au Québec et le Dr Maïca Clavel de l'Université de Grenoble.

Switzerland is now a partner in a great adventure...


On January 19, 2022, Switzerland joined the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), an intergovernmental organisation
that is building a radio telescope to unlock some of the greatest mysteries in the Universe!

About the SKAO


Two telescopes are under construction, one in South Africa and one in Australia.

These installations will combine the signals received from thousands of small antennae spread over a distance of several thousand kilometres to simulate a single giant radio telescope capable of extremely high sensitivity and angular resolution, using a technique called aperture synthesis. Some of the sub-arrays of the SKA will also have a very large field-of-view (FOV), making it possible to survey very large areas of sky at once.


The SKA Switzerland Consortium (SKACH)


SKACH is leading Switzerland's contributions to the SKAO with support from the State Secretariat of Science, Innovation, Research, and Education (SERI).

SKACH is comprised of ten Swiss institutions and will deliver contributions to the SKAO in five key programs:

Science, Data Science, Computing Platforms and Infrastructure, Instrumentation, and Education and Public Outreach.